Tuesday, May 20, 2008

SCAR TISSUE pages 132-156

In these chapters Anthony and Jennifer’s relationship is not doing well. Anthony continually cheats on Jennifer and he doesn’t seem to care about her feelings. Kim, his best friend nothing more is Jennifer’s biggest rival. She hates her because one day she found them naked sleeping together and went crazy and started breaking windows. There was nothing between them they were not sexually involved Jennifer just saw it the wrong way. Jennifer’s jealousy grew and eventually she cheated on Anthony. He was so mad and he never wanted to see her again and didn’t understand how she could do that to him, so then he dumped her. He felt so relieved when he did this, which makes me think that that he is a horrible boyfriend and I don’t understand why Jennifer put up with him. After they break up Jennifer is so incredibly sorry what she did and she just did it to get his attention. So every nigh she slept at his door step until he finally let her back in.

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