Tuesday, May 27, 2008

SCAR TISSUE pages 157-198

In these chapters Anthony gets kicked out of his band. He doesn’t really care though he just kind of puts it off. He decided that he has a drug problem and that something needs to be done. So he calls his mother and tells her everything. Next thing he knows he has a plane ticket back to his mothers house. Eventually the day came for him to fly to his mother’s house, and he chickened out and told her that he was sick and he couldn’t come. Two weeks went by and he still had not flown out there and didn’t want to anymore. A couple days later he is stocking up on drugs and he gets pulled over by the cops. The cop lets him go because he liked his former band and tells him to go and get help. Then Anthony decides to go to treatment. He goes for thirty days and graduates treatment successfully. He stays sober after treatment for a while and calls up his band, and could tell that they were not happy with the lead singer so they let him join back in the band.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

SCAR TISSUE pages 132-156

In these chapters Anthony and Jennifer’s relationship is not doing well. Anthony continually cheats on Jennifer and he doesn’t seem to care about her feelings. Kim, his best friend nothing more is Jennifer’s biggest rival. She hates her because one day she found them naked sleeping together and went crazy and started breaking windows. There was nothing between them they were not sexually involved Jennifer just saw it the wrong way. Jennifer’s jealousy grew and eventually she cheated on Anthony. He was so mad and he never wanted to see her again and didn’t understand how she could do that to him, so then he dumped her. He felt so relieved when he did this, which makes me think that that he is a horrible boyfriend and I don’t understand why Jennifer put up with him. After they break up Jennifer is so incredibly sorry what she did and she just did it to get his attention. So every nigh she slept at his door step until he finally let her back in.

Monday, May 12, 2008

SCAR TISSUE pages 110-131

In these chapters Anthony and his band are beginning tour. They are expecting crazy performances and huge parties. Anthony always impresses his audience with doing something completely crazy and out of the ordinary. Most producers tell their bad that they and as good on CD because they cant capture what it happing outside of the music. The tour begins with a couple performances, eventually the driver of their tour bus quits. He decides to quit because he is jealous and wants a part in the band and they wont let him in. Meanwhile when they are recording a CD one of their cocaine dealers comes in and demands money that they owe them. They don’t have the money and the only way they can pay him is if they let him on the CD. I think that their drugs are severely affecting their band and that there is some foreshadowing that something bad is going to happen to their band involving drugs.

Monday, May 5, 2008

SCAR TISSUE pages 75-109

In this chapter Anthony opens up about his childhood. He talks about his dad giving him pot at age 10 and what gave him a push into the world of drugs. When he was about 9 he would go and fly to California to live with his dad for the summer. His dad was into partying and dealing drugs and he learned about them at a young age. When it was the school year and he was living with his mom he would spend the whole year California dreaming. His dad would take him to clubs at a young age and split his sare of drugs with him. When they would get to the club his dad would abondon him once he was drunk. This would happen every weekend and often times there would be an after party at his house. I can see what left him thinking that drugs are ok. This happend beacuse his fatherly figure was not someone to look up too. As time went on he would no longer have to be with his dad to do drugs. He would find them on his own and I really think that is what sparked his addiction, beacuse he looked up to his dad im manny ways.