Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SCAR TISSUE pages 54-75

These chapters opened into the stories of Anthony’s deep drug addiction. Currently his band is doing really well and just got signed with a major producer. Anthony is continually missing band practices to go and get high. Flea and Hittle are really concerned about him because they never see him sober anymore. His drug problems aren’t only effecting his best friends, he has also got his girlfriend into heroin. Anthony is actually benefiting from this because every time he cheats on her he can just make it up to her with drugs.
After his band gets signed they have to travel to their producers house which is far from their city environment. When they arrive Anthony is going crazy with out his drugs. He was getting extremely sick because his body could not handle being without them.
On his free time he writes songs, and his band is the only thing that makes him think that he dosent need drugs to make him happy.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

SCAR TISSUE pages 30 - 53

By reading these chapters I have discovered so much about Anthony. When he was 10 he smoked pot for the first time and he would casually hang around with Sony and Cheer. He was living with his dad in California and living a party life at a young age. His dad would take him to nightclubs regularly, and before they would leave for the club his dad would insure that he was high and so was his son. This started to become normal to Anthony, he also was used to seeing his dad with a different woman every night or having coked out people passed out all over his house. As his life progresses he makes drugs a daily routine. He eventually goes to college but not for long and decides that college isn’t his thing. His bad randomly starts one day when he is asked to perform. he gets together with some buddies ad puts together a little performance. When they perform everyone loves them and they decide to form a band. they start talking about band names one day and they got toe idea for their band name form two other band names combined and from then on they were known as the “Red Hot Chili Peppers”

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

SCAR TISSUE pages 1-30

One of the reasons that I choose this book was because the author is the lead singer of one of my favorite bands, The Red Hot Chili Peppers. This book is a memoir about Anthony’s life and the creation of his band. I thought that it would be interesting to learn about his journey through drugs and what inspired him to write all of his songs for his band. I know that Scar Tissue will be a good book because when I picked it up in the store, I flipped open to a page and I couldn’t stop reading. The book is also a New York Times best seller. In the few pages I have read I can relate to what the author is going through and some of the things he is telling the reader, this interests me even more. I am very excited to read this book and learn about the formation of his band and his journey through life.