Monday, December 3, 2007

COMEBACK pages 82-100

In these chapters Mia continues with the partying. Her life is becoming unmanageable and her family cannot take much more of her, but Mia doesn’t realize it. Mia continues shooting up speedballs with her friends all most everyday, so it eventually it becomes her daily routine. Mia’s mother reminisces on when she discovered Mia started cutting. At first she didn’t know what Mia was doing with a razor, until Mia told her mother that it was to hurt her self. Then it goes back to the present time in the book where Mia is at a party and she locks herself in the bathroom and finds a razor as fast as she can and cuts her legs. Mia’s mother is now making a plan to trap Mia and send her to rehab, and has got her aunt involved.

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