Tuesday, December 18, 2007

COMEBACK pages 155 -170

Mia gets picked up with her friend at the abandon house the next day. Her friend’s boyfriend picks them up. Immediately Mia can tell that he is a big time druggie. They get high and begin their long trip to Salt Lake City. About half way through their trip they get pulled over by the cops for having an unregistered license plate. They role down the window and the cop discovers that they are all stoned and begins to search the car. The cop pulls drugs out of numerous places and immediately takes them to the police station where Mia’s Mother is called.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

COMEBACK 145-155

Mia has now escaped from rehab and is with her friend and they need to find a place to sleep. They break into a house that looks isolated. When thay get inside they discover every thing is filled with a thick layer of dust. they look for food but every thing is outdated. They spend the night there and they plan to be picked up in the morning.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

COMEBACK pages 120--145

Mia mother has now made her plan to send mia to rehab. Mia called her mother telling to give her money(of corse for drugs)and said she would only give her tings. So Mia gives her Mother a grocery list and tells her to meet her at the grocery store. When mia gets there a strange man pulls her into a car and she realizes it was a trap. They immidately bring her to rehab were she escaped that night through a window with another girl. They mannaged to walk through three patches of thorn bushes to escape then found a local gas station where Mia's friend called someone to pick them up.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

COMEBACK pages 100-120

In these chapters Mia is looking back atr her past. She becomeing depressed beacuse of her drugs and not copeing with past expirereces.She uncovers how she swept her problems under a rug for many years and now she is eventaully letting them out through drugs. Her Mother is still very comcerend and is planning to send her to rehab, and feels guilty for what is happinging, but she knows that she cant do anyhting about it. She knows that her problems are relate to Mia being sexualy abused by her father and also feels guilty for that as well.

Monday, December 3, 2007

COMEBACK pages 82-100

In these chapters Mia continues with the partying. Her life is becoming unmanageable and her family cannot take much more of her, but Mia doesn’t realize it. Mia continues shooting up speedballs with her friends all most everyday, so it eventually it becomes her daily routine. Mia’s mother reminisces on when she discovered Mia started cutting. At first she didn’t know what Mia was doing with a razor, until Mia told her mother that it was to hurt her self. Then it goes back to the present time in the book where Mia is at a party and she locks herself in the bathroom and finds a razor as fast as she can and cuts her legs. Mia’s mother is now making a plan to trap Mia and send her to rehab, and has got her aunt involved.

Monday, November 26, 2007

COMEBACK pages 56-82

Mia has been released from the psych ward and is now going home. She doesn’t want to be near her parents and her mother’s sister offers to let Mia stay with her in Indiana. Mia jumps to the offer and packs her bags. Mia’s mother is upset about this and doesn’t know what to do. Immediately when she gets there she begins to drink and smoke joints with her new friend Meliane. She tries uncut cocaine with her for the first time and a hour later she is throwing it up with blood. The next day she is out trying heroin and speedballs and is up for any drug she can get her hands on. She begins to make this a daily process every day meeting at her friend Trevor’s house and shooting up. Meanwhile her mother is planing to lock her up in a rehab.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

COMEBACK pages 20 - 56

In these chapters Mia’s mother and stepfather take her to a psych ward for teenagers with problems, because Mia is threatening to run away the day after they find her. When they get their she is stoned and her parents make them test her for every drug and do a STD testing. Mia is extremely upset about this and becomes very upset with her parents. Her parents believe she will be safe their and cannot escape. Then her mother begins to talk about the secrets of Mia’s childhood. When Mia was four her dad sexually abused her and her mother reminisces on when Mia was younger and the incidents that happened, and how she found out what was happening. Her father was also a big marijuana smoker and smoked in fount of her all the time. Mia as a younger child also constantly herd her parents fighting and verbal abuse. Her mother also said that when Mia was 11 she started cutting herself.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

COMEBACK pages 1-20

The book starts of with Mia, "a perfect child" what her parents called her, trying to escape her current life. In the first chapter Mia runs away from home beacuse she wants to expirence the real world. Her parents (mom and her step dad) are outraged and cannot belive she whould do something like that. Her parents search all over town for her and find her and make her come home. When she gets home they discover a jornal mia had been keeping of her "secret life" and find out she has been planing to run away for over a year. Mia is extremely upset by this and tells her parents they cannot stop her from ruunning away.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

THE GLASS CASTLE page 196-288

The chapters starts off with Jeannette and Lori (her older sister) saving money to escape their family and move to New York. They are saving their money in a piggy bank and come up with every penny they can get. They end up with over $100 and their dad breaks into the piggy bank and steels the money and spends it on alchol. Jeannette and Lori become extremely mad at their father and become more determined to move. Lori gets a job that offers enough money for a bus ticket so she immediately takes it and moves to New York. A month later Jeannette follows, along with Brian and eventually Maureen (her other 2 siblings). Their father accuses Lori of steeling his children and they leave Welch and move to New York. Jeannette is unhappy about this because she left Welch to escape them. Their parents are homeless and try moving in with them and now they can afford an apartment, much nicer them their old house. Eventually things become bad and they get kicked out and move to the streets. Jeanette has got an high paying job and a boyfriend that lives on Park Avenue so she moves in with him. Eventually Jeannette's father dies because of the damage alchol and smoking has done to his body. In the end Jeannette is happily married livening in a house with her husband and invites her family over for dinner. Her mother is extremely impresses by her success.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

THE GLASS CASTLE pages 171-195

In these chapters Jeannette tells her mother that she should leave her father so they can collect welfare. Jeannette thinks that her father is dragging the family down because of his drinking and Jeanette, her mother, and her siblings should all leave him. A few weeks later a man from the government comes to their house concerned about child neglect. Jeannette answers the door and lies to him and says her parents have jobs and their is no neglect and makes him leave. She tells her mother this and then her mother paints a picture of a drowning woman and then agrees to get a job.

I don't understand why she would paint a picture of a drowning woman, it makes no sense to me.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

THE GLASS CASTLE pages 121-171

In these chapters Jeanette's family has moved in with her other grandparents. Her grandmother is extremely weird and will not come out of the house. Her grandmother is an alcholic and packs Jeanette and her siblings lard sandwiches for lunch. After a month of living there their family decides to move out, and they find an extremely run down house. It has no plumbing, electricity, or a bathtub. They don't have any beds so they use cardboard for mattresses. They have a neighbor that's a prostitute and Jeannette is interested in her and her nine children. One day she gets invited over to her house by one of her children and finds there family completely normal. Jeannette's father has still promised her and her siblings the glass castle. So Jeannette and her brother start to dig a hole right next to their run down house for the glass castles foundation. The hole becomes so big that Jeanette and her brother can stand in it. A few days later Jeanette's father started to fill the hole with garbage; Jeannette was hurt by this, but her dad promised one day they would clean it out. A few months later the hole is filled with garbage and their that leads to Jeanette being teased that she lives in garbage, and starts a lot of fights at school. Jeanette's father continues to drink and he leaves the house for days and telling no one where he is going.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

THE GLASS CASTLE pages 74-121

The chapter starts out with Jeannette at age 7. Her family has moved again into their grandmas house because she passed away. Jeanette's father is becoming an alcholic. That winter their family wanted to have a big Christmas party for the first time. So they save up money and buy a tree and presents for each other. On Christmas night Jeanette's father is extremely drunk and receives a lighter for a present. immediately after receiving the lighter he goes up to the tree and lights it on fire. The tree quickly burned and took all the presents along with it. Later that week Jeanette's father decides to take her and her brother and sister to the zoo to prove to them that the animals are not dangerous. When they get there her dad goes up to where the cheetah is and climbs the fence taking Jeanette along with him. He goes up to the cheetah and starts petting it and shows Jeannette its safe. By this time many people are crowding around them and cannot believe whats happing. Then someone called security and they got out safely and kicked out of the zoo.

I think that Jeanette's father has a drinking problem and he is putting his kids in extreme danger.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

THE GLASS CASTLE pages 42-73

In these chapters Jeannette's mother has a baby, it takes weeks for them to decide on a name but eventually Jeanette's mother and father agree on the name Lilly Ruth Maureen. They name her after both of their parents. Jeannette and her brother and sister are finally going to school, but the schools in her town are dangerous. The one of the teachers carries a gun to motivate the kids into doing there homework. Jeannette's father has lost his job and his family is starving. Lori, Jeannette's sister eats butter when she is hungry if their family is lucky enough to have it. Jeannette steels out of other kids lurches at school and her brother breaks into a house and steels a jar of pickles. This causes conflict between Jeanette's mother and father, they get into a huge argument and the neighbors come out to watch and listen. Jeannette's father is so upset with with her mother that he grabs her by her hands and hangs her out the window of their 2nd story house. Jeannette doesn't think this is a big deal and thinks that everyone parents do that.

After reading these chapters I realised that there is something very wrong with this family. Jeannette is going through a lot of things that a 7 year old girl shouldn't have to.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

THE GLASS CASTLE pages 19-41

This chapter starts off with Jannette at the age of three. In these chapters Jannette's family is on the run from the FBI. Her father is in a lot of trouble and they need to find a place to live. Her mother and father decide to move to the dessert, in search of gold. Jannette's father promises Jannette once they strike gold he will build her a glass castle. Jannette is so excited about this because he promises her a glass staircase with a room she can decorate. Even though her dad promises her this he is not motivated enough to actually go out and look for gold. In the dessert they come across a lot of dangerous things such as, coyotes, scorpions, and rattle snakes which killed their dog. Janettes parents believe that this is the best place for their kids to live and for them not to be in school.

In these chapters I now know why the book is titled The Glass Castle. Her dad is promising her something she will never have which will just disappoint her in the future.

Monday, October 1, 2007

THE GLASS CASTLE pages 3 - 15

The book starts with Jeannette the main character as an adult, watching her parents from a distance, digging through a dumpster in search of food. She is extremely embarrassed by this because unlike her parents, Jeannette has a home and doesn’t have to dig through dumpsters to find food. Then she reminisces on a memory form when she was three and lit herself on fire. She was standing on a chair in front of the stove, cooking a hotdog when all of a sudden her dress lit on fire. After her mother found out she was on fire she ran to the neighbors yard and their neighbor brought her to the hospital. When she got there they discovered she was severely burned and would have to be in the hospital for a long time. Jeannette’s father was not happy about this and after a couple of weeks he stole her from the hospital. A couple weeks later the cops were in search of her father and their family packed up their belongings and moved.

I feel like the book is foreshadowing that her parents are going to be a big part of her memoir. After reading this I get the impression that there is something very wrong with her family. So far her parents have done a lot of weird things for example throwing their cat out the window of a moving vehicle. I was surprised to find out this much about her in the beginning of the book.