Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. chapters 109-127

These chapters were really interesting because Christopher decried how his mind works.
He said “My memory is like a film. And when people ask me to remember something I can simply press rewind fast foreword and pause like on a video recorder.”(76)
I think this is really strange because when he decries his memories he includes every detail. He remembers the exact dates of everything, his age, and what people were wearing. He could even tell you the brand of cigarettes his mother was smoking. He uses his memory to discover what is going on in a situation. He cant understand things like an everyday person can. When someone says “see you later alligator” he thinks of an alligator and it doesn’t make any sense to him. So when he sees something strange like someone laying on the ground or someone says something strange to him he refers to his past to see if other people act like that to make sense of what is going on. He thinks like this because he is autistic. He also has no imagination, he doesn’t understand when someone is talking about their future or uses metaphors because he cannot picture things that are not realistic. He doesn’t understand what someone means when they tell him to use his imagination because he thinks its impossible. This is interesting to me because how can someone be so smart in one part of there brain but be lacking so much knowledge in the other parts.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. chapters 101-109

“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes” (73)

Christopher is quoting Sherlok Holmes. This quote is significant because Christopher relates this to his life. He thinks that this quote doesn’t apply to him, just like it doesn’t apply to Sherlok Holmes. Christopher is different and thinks a in a completely different way then all the other kids, he notices strange things and is a very good problem solver. He thinks different because of his autism, and is more of a careful observant person. Christopher is writing a mystery novel because he knows this about himself. In his book he makes sure that he includes every detail even if they are irrelevant. He also knows how to solve mysteries because his favorite books are the ones about Sherlok Holmes. His favorite book is The Hound of Bakervills, because its also about a dog, but the dog doesn’t die, the dog scares someone to death.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. chapters 89-101

“I like maths because they are not like life, they have a straightforward answer in the end” (61-62)

This quote is significant because Christopher is solving a mystery and this quote ties in with how difficult it is to solve a mystery. He is going out of his way and doing things that make him uncomfortable, like talking to strangers to solve this mystery. He also discovered why his father didn’t like Mr. Shears. Christopher was out on a walk and saw Mrs. Alexandria and asked her why her father thought Mr. Shears was an evil man but she didn’t want to tell him. He asked this because Mr. Shears was his prime suspect, but his father hated him for a different reason for a different reason. With a lot of persuading he finally convinced Mrs. Alexandra to tell him why. She made him promise that if she told him he wouldn’t tell his dad. She finally told him that the reason his father hated Mr. Shears was that before his mother died his mother cheated on him with Mr. Shears. Christopher was not upset about his mother’s betrayal, he was just upset that no one ever told him. This is significant because it also ties in with the quote because he never got a answer when he asked his parents why they were fighting, he has to go to the neighbors who knew before him.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. chapters 83-89

In these chapters Christopher has discovered his prime suspect of Wellington’s murder. He thinks Mr. Shears Killed Wellington. He thinks that Mr. Shears did it to make Mrs. Shears mad. His father also said that Mr. Shears is an “Evil Person” (49). Christopher’s father doesn’t what him to go investigate on their property. He also doesn’t know why his father thinks that Mr. Shears is an evil man. Christopher’s father gets really upset with him when he finds out that he is questioning the neighbors, so he makes him promise that he will stop trying to solve the mystery of Wellington. Christopher is really upset about this and he doesn’t listen and continues to investigate.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. chapters 79-83

"I thought mother and father were going to get a divorce because of the stress of looking after someone who has behavior problems."(47)
In theses chapters you discover some of the behavior problems that he has. Like hitting people, or taking his mother’s car out for a spin. He is also very difficult to make happy. He has to have every thing his way because he is so high maintenance. If someone touches his toothbrush he can never use it again. He knows that he is different from everyone else and he blames a lot of things on himself. I think that he shouldn’t do that because if his parents get divorced she shouldn’t have to put that blame on him self. He seems like a responsible kid and also want to take responsibility for the other things that go wrong in his life, like hi parents marriage.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. chapters 71-73

In this chapter the main conflicting event is that his parents might get separated. He thinks this is going to happen because they argue a lot. They also say they hate each other in front of him. He thinks that his parents might get divorced because if him and the stress that he puts on his family with his behavior problems. Some of his behavior problems would include, smashing things when he is angry or not liking or touching brown or yellow things. He is autistic and has a lit of his behavior problems that he lists in the book. His parents get really frustrated with him and threaten to hit him. His mother would say that she would put im in a mental home unless he stopped.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. chapters 59-71

"I don't like talking to strangers, but i will do it for detective work." (39)

I choose this as an important quote because it shows how dedicated he is to finding the killer of Wellington. One of his biggest fears is talking to strangers because he doesn’t understand them and likes following the rule "stranger danger". But when it comes to finding the killer of Wellington he is completely dedicated to it and goes knocking an all the stranger’s doors in his neighborhood. He thinks that it is very important to find the killer because he doesn’t understand why someone would do something like that. He is also a good friend with the owner of the dog. When he goes knocking on the doors he is scared and can't look any of the stranger's facees when he asks them questions. He also doesn’t find out much information by questioning these people. And discovers the prime suspest, Mr.Shears a different way.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. chapters 31-59

A major event in these chapters is that you discover that mother died. She was only 38 when she died and she dies of a heart attack. This is significant because now you discover that the main character has been growing up with out a mother. This would be hard for him because he is autistic and doesn’t understand everything and being without a mother is really difficult for any teenager. After the death of the dog his father tells him not to try to solve the mystery of who killed him, and just stay out of other people's business. But he doesn’t listen, he is determined to find the killer of Wellington. The main reason he wrote this book was to write a mastery novel.